Are you seeking to leverage financial wealth for maximal positive impact? Are you interested in doing things differently, creatively, with an entrepreneurial spirit? Would you like to explore how money can move in ways that build real and lasting partnerships, and to engage in grantmaking in a way that empowers communities and social entrepreneurs to be even more effective, not bound by wads of paperwork and embroiled in unexamined and unhealthy power dynamics? Ocean is available to help you develop creative strategies and new ways of giving that are more strategic and more finely tuned to your values. He can help you explore how philanthropy can be fresh, new, and responsive to the unique gifts you bring and the particular opportunities of these times.
“Ocean gave an insightful and inspiring keynote that was right on target with our student’s needs. His style is both personal and interactive, allowing him to connect deeply with a large audience of college students and get important messages through. The staff at UC Berkeley and I can’t recommend him highly enough.”
— Darian Rodriguez-Heyman, Economics of Philanthropy Class, UC Berkeley Haas School of Business