As a father of 11-year-old twins who have autism, my parenting journey has known its share of heartbreak. But in the last year, our family has discovered the Son-Rise Program and it has been changing our lives. We’re learning about love, just because. We’re learning about the healing power of embracing what is.
Then, every so often, there are breakthroughs. Moments that shine through like the sun after a storm. Moments that fill us with joy, and affirm that we are on a good path.
I’d like to share one of those moments with you.
In honor of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday, our boys’ teacher asked them to dictate their own “I Have A Dream” speeches (neither boy can yet write on his own), and to deliver them before an assemblage of friends and family. I thought this would give them a good chance to practice writing, pronunciation, reading, memorization, eye contact, and public speaking. I never dreamed that it would change my life.
All of the words are theirs.
Autistic kids are not supposed to do stuff like this. They aren’t supposed to have thoughts like this, to deliver them like this, or to bask in the adoration of their community.
If you are moved by this video, feel free to pass it on. And I hope you’ll post comments too. I’ll share them with River and Bodhi.
They’re so excited by all this that they’re already working on their Earth Day speeches.
— Ocean Robbins